About Us
Welcome to Blueberry DAO, a community owned and driven, decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) focused on supporting children's charities and initiatives for children in need. Blueberry DAO is the creation of 13 year old Lilpurpberry with the help of a community grant from Nouns DAO and Nouncil.
By purchasing a token 🧸, you're helping to fund proposals put forth by DAO members to make a real difference in the lives of children. As a token holder, you have the power to participate in DAO governance by voting on proposals to support children's causes or submitting your own!
Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for children in need. Together, we can change lives.

Blueberry DAO is dedicated to creating positive change in the world by leveraging the power of blockchain technology to support children's charities and initiatives. We believe that by working together as a community, we can improve the lives of children in need.
Harvesting Berry
Good Deeds Together

How We Help
We're a group of people who want to help kids who need it. When we sell tokens (called a PURP), we give 100% of the funds we make to a treasury. This treasury is managed by everyone who owns a token.
This means that people who own tokens can suggest charities or things we should do to help kids. Then, everyone who owns a token gets to vote on what we should do. We use blockchain technology to make sure everyone's vote is counted fairly.
You also get to keep a unique, generative artwork created by the founder Lilpurpberry.
We understand that there may be cases where funds don't go directly to a charity or initiative, and we strive to ensure that every proposal is transparent and accountable to the community. Successful proposers are encouraged to provide regular updates on funded projects, and the community will hold proposers accountable for delivering on their promises. By fostering social trust and accountability, we believe that we can create a sustainable model for supporting children's charities and initiatives that is driven by the community and guided by the principles of trust, transparency, and accountability.
Is blockchain confusing? Ask us for some help, or you can also support by purchasing merch from our online store with traditional payment options. 50% of merch sales go straight to the treasury.
How to Support
Blockchain, web3 and NFTs might be new to some people. Have a look at our FAQ if you need some help or drop a question in the discussion forum, otherwise click the button below to mint a token and join Blueberry DAO.